Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And then, the WiiFit made fun of me...

Twitterings for October 27, 2008:
  • 14:29 *stares at midterm histogram* Yeah, I'm willing to bet good money that 16/40 on the first midterm is me. #
  • 17:28 I PASSSSSSSED! #
  • 17:29 I got 46/80 in total, 21/40 for one part, and 25/40 for the other. So, passes for both, and a pass in total. And that 16 wasn't meeeee! #
  • 17:39 Because Janis will read this, be bored out of her mind, and wonder why she reads my blog at all because she's never mentioned: Hi Janis! #
  • 17:39 ...she turns 30 in less than a month. But it's okay with her, because she's getting married next year. #
  • 17:40 Speaking of the sis, her, my mom, and I went shopping at Park Royal yesterday. Janis kept trying to dress me up in ugly sweaters. #
  • 17:41 She didn't appreciate my taste in ugly-patterned blouses. #
  • 17:51 And the only baby Halloween costumes left (Old Navy had a hot dog costume last year, which cannot be topped) were a butterfly and... #
  • 17:52 ...what can only be classified as a shrew. Several of Janis' friends have had babies within the past couple of years, so at least the... #
  • 17:52 ...costumes are somewhat relevant. Maybe. #
  • 17:52 Right, she also tried to have a stuffed alligator eat me. #
  • 17:53 Did I mention she's turning 30 in less than a month? #
  • 17:53 We also gawked at the prices of fake flower arrangement at Michaels. That was fun. #
  • 17:54 Oh, and those Halloween treats from Whole Foods, that smelled *and* tasted like sweet sushi, though we're not sure why. #
  • 17:54 Pleasant aftertaste though. #
  • 17:55 All in all, it was a fun trip, even if I was laughed at when I got interrupted and said "Excuse me, I *was* having a point." #
  • 17:58 It is such fun to hang out with my mom and my sister. Even if all our roles are sometimes reversed. #
  • 17:58 "Older sister," my ass... #
  • 18:08 I started doing that "I'm Surrounded By Idiots" challenge for the Sims. #
  • 18:08 Decided to name the characters after things I saw around me (not my idea, but it's a good one). #
  • 18:09 Main character's name is Shredder. Had a daughter named Scissors. #
  • 18:09 So, of course, we have the delightful action: "Play with Scissors." #
  • 18:51 The Halting Problem: Maybe It's Just Taking A Long Time #
  • 19:06 Now, they're hitting the table. #
  • 19:06 Seriously, neither of them know how to have a constructive argument. #
  • 19:06 That, and Ruy's dad just makes shit up. #
  • 19:12 Do not introduce, to a rational conversation, zombies. #

Sent into the blogosphere by a white chocolate peppermint mocha and friends.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Brought to you by the letter Zombie...

Twitterings for October 26, 2008:
  • 00:30 Now, use Ackermann's function to figure out why I've been humming Greensleeves for the last 20 minutes. #

Sent into the blogosphere by ZOMBIES?!

Well, now they're denying the existence of infinite loops, and I CANNOT ABIDE BY THAT...

Twitterings for October 25th, 2008:
  • 14:30 "Just a second, I'm doing one of those things that's prone to failure." ..."you're...building a house of cards?" #
  • 14:51 Ruy, you are SUCH a nerd. Making spreadsheets for TTD? I mean, really? #
  • 14:51 *doesn't think about making a spreadsheet for her Sims* #
  • 16:54 300 days, a lot of crocheting, and much PotterFicWeekly withdrawal later, I've actually made it to Chapter 29 in After The End. #
  • 16:55 Mind you, this *just* catches me up to where I'd finished listening to the PFW podcast, and absolutely no further. #
  • 16:55 Which means I can't even listen to PFW again yet. #
  • 16:56 Curse the fact that I can't just listen to the podcast without reading the fic. Curse it! #
  • 20:34 6 weeks of laundry = nearly done. Last big load is in dryer, and a few small things are in the washing machine. #
  • 22:31 Rest of the laundry is in the dryer. The finish line is around the corner. #
  • 23:36 6 more towels. #
  • 23:37 And, phew, I finally made it to Chapter 30 in After The End. #

Sent into the blogosphere by invisible loops that are surely not infinite.

Just set a timer?

Twitterings for October 21, 2008:
  • 12:03 Surprisingly, "stupid computer vision how i hate you" does not yield any relevant Google results. #
  • 12:04 Midterm did not go well yesterday. I kept staring at the paper, hoping it would spontaneously burst into flames. Alas, it did not. #
  • 12:04 Midterm Part 2 is tomorrow, and boy am I looking forward to that. #
  • 12:31 Except, of course, not. #
  • 12:31 Oh, Steve Jobs' lackey, stop bloviating. #
  • 16:24 Heh. I may have just told Ruy to download the dishwasher. What?! The internet takes over my brain regularly. #

Sent into the blogosphere by RUY SMASH TABLE.

Okay, seriously, it smells like horse in here...

Twitterings for October 19, 2008:
  • 17:38 Alright, I've studied to breaking point for this midterm. Any more studying and things are going to start falling out my ears. #
  • 17:38 Also, massive headache. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and a very angry Halting Problem.

Ripping the universe a new one...

Twitterings for October 18, 2008:
  • 00:21 Highlights of poker night: Failure of 3-person poker, gave up and played the Wii. #
  • 00:22 ...nobody quite understands the rules, so we switch halfway through. #
  • 00:23 ...failure at basic internet skills. #
  • 00:23 ...Goomba escapes, my chair breaks...AT THE SAME TIME. #
  • 00:24 ...Ruy getting a little edgy about the positioning of poker chips in the case. #
  • 00:25 ...we can't navigate our own messy fridge, but Kim still somehow manages to find the beer we pushed to the back of the fridge when we... #
  • 00:25 ...moved in. #
  • 00:26 ...many, many laughs - while we were all completely sober. #
  • 00:27 ...periodic distraction by Galcon. #
  • 00:28 ...whipping out the measuring tape for Roman and Ruy's iPhones. *snort* #
  • 00:33 ...Kim supplying her own sound effects for a completely silent puzzle game. #
  • 12:59 Haskell is being all adorable, stealing hay from Blooper and Goomba's cage. #
  • 13:00 ...I wonder if he knows that's who he's stealing it from. #
  • 13:50 Mmm, infinite sea of zeroes... #
  • 13:55 Ruy, the answer to "Do the bunnies have velcro?" is not "I don't know, I've never looked." #
  • 20:21 I sense a deep fail in the force: how did it manage to pass me by that Teryl Rothery was pregnant? #
  • 20:22 On that note, however, big congrats to Teryl on the birth of her daughter. And big fail for me not knowing. #
  • 20:22 Not that it terribly matters, but you know, as part of fandom, I should really keep up on these things. #
  • 20:22 But right now, I have to go marinate fish. #
  • 21:18 I find it quite fortuitous that Ruy will gladly handle any raw meat, except fish, and I will gladly handle raw fish, but no other raw meat. #
  • 21:18 We're having halibut and salmon skewers for dinner, you see. #
  • 21:19 I think we've just about worn out the halibut pun. #
  • 21:19 And the only drawback to handling raw fish, other than, you know, handling slimy, raw fish, is the smell lingers on your hands for years. #

Sent into the blogosphere by Ruy's dad, SOLVING THE HALTING PROBLEM, ZOMG.

The Halting Problem: Maybe It's Just Taking A Long Time

Twitterings for October 17, 2008:
  • 14:57 Well, you should all be pleased to know that I finally got my pen back from my prof. #
  • 15:01 Sweet, cumulative PDF of notes! #
  • 15:04 ...it also appears to be 153 pages long. That's not so fun. #
  • 15:40 *midterm ph34rs* #
  • 17:19 Something to remember: This course makes a lot more sense if studied in reverse. #
  • 17:20 And, you know, the usual these-notes-suck-damn-it-I'm going-to-read-about-this-on-Wikipedia... #
  • 18:22 This studying is going to go absolutely nowhere if I'm not actually looking at the right window. #
  • 19:00 And Gaussian pyramids? Only understandable backwards. #

Sent into the blogosphere by the laws of the universe: broken for the last time.

Step. Step. Twist. Sashay. Elephant.

Twitterings for October 15, 2008:
  • 15:07 @aeiouna Just a little. It's hardly noticeable. *gets out Canadian flags and waves them while jumping up and down* #
  • 15:08 So, in conclusion, the DRC sucks, my prof *doesn't* enjoy stealing people's pens, and I am highly caffeinated and tired. #
  • 15:11 Now, I'm not going to mix metaphors, but *mixes metaphors*. #
  • 15:18 "One obvious else"? #
  • 15:31 Horse to the front! Horse to the side! ...VO GERBITS! #
  • 18:18 Janis doesn't like my Twittering. Nuts to Janis. #

Sent into the blogosphere by the sashaying elephant.

I objectify your reality...

Twitterings for October 14, 2008:
  • 21:42 Conservatives form a minority government. Again. Just, with many more seats than before. One more election like this and they will have... #
  • 21:42 ...trompled the Liberals completely. #
  • 21:43 I'm just pleased that the NDP increased their number of seats. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and age-old bitterness.

Go away, bass line from 'Creep'...

Twitterings for October 13, 2008:
  • 14:10 Psychic online flash. #
  • 14:10 ...which actually sounds quite invasive and involving a trench coat. #
  • 14:10 Also, for future reference, you do not, in fact, spell "psychic" with a 6. #

Sent into the blogosphere by misspellings of "twitterings." I'll leave you to guess what they were.

Was it the *hats* that were tap-dancing?

Twitterings for October 12, 2008:
  • 13:50 No, Wilson, come baaaaaaack! #
  • 13:56 Downloading Bones, since I haven't seen anything since the premiere. #
  • 13:56 Downloading first 3 seasons of NCIS, plus first few episodes of this season for...no reason I can really think of. #
  • 15:11 Thanksgiving! I mean, turkey. #
  • 15:44 Canadian politics discussions! I love them! #
  • 16:39 Looking at parents' pictures from NYC. #
  • 16:40 Also, you Americans may be excited for your upcoming election, but we will have planned, called, and announced the results of ours... #
  • 16:41 ...before you're even at the polls! #
  • 16:41 (I'm excited for the American election too. Go Obama!) #
  • 16:42 However...I'm very excited for this Tuesday night, when I will be watching the results of our election roll in. #
  • 16:42 Even if I can't vote, because I'm sure as hell not spending 3+ hours on transit getting out here to my parents' to vote (my actual riding).. #
  • 16:43 ...and no official-looking mail comes for me to Ruy and I's apartment, so I can't vote in that riding either. #
  • 16:43 Dwight says that if I don't vote, then I can't bitch about who other people vote for. #
  • 16:44 I'll have him know that I bitched about who people voted for WAAAAAYYY before I was old enough to vote. So, ha. #
  • 16:44 And I never said I was going to bitch. My actual words were "break people's legs if they vote Conservative." #
  • 16:45 And, it was actually just Ruy. #

Sent into the blogosphere by Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, and Jimmy.

Do you see towels?

Twitterings for October 11, 2008:
  • 12:25 I love you, Jack Layton! #
  • 20:06 Do you see towels? If you see towels, you're probably in the linen closet again. #

Sent into the blogosphere by the gnome-stealers, and their malicious sneak-walk.

Mollusk chowder...

Twitterings for October 10, 2008:
  • 08:26 *IS SO AWAKE* #
  • 08:26 Really, there's no need to have office hours so early in the morning. *struggles to function without coffee* #
  • 08:27 *wonders how her Sims can be so awake at this time of morning*
    *glares* #
  • 08:29 *narrows eyes at clock* Definitely too early to be speaking CHEERFUL LOUD ROMANIAN. #
  • 10:27 You know it's going to be a good day when it starts with your prof stealing your pen. #
  • 10:30 Then, you forget the forms that you went all the way to campus so early to get signed, inside Booster Juice... #
  • 10:31 ...who probably poisoned your drink with the whey powder you specifically asked them not to put in. #
  • 20:49 And then it turned out it *was* poisoned with whey powder, and then I slept for several hours. #

Sent into the blogosphere by Janis' subtle irritation with my Twittering.

Just not the right kind of lazy...

Twitterings for October 9, 2008:
  • 12:29 So. Cold. #
  • 14:24 Oo. i just made my Twitter background purple. Be excited, y'all. #
  • 15:55 I am at least 12 kinds of awesome, and have pwned Rake like nobody's business. #
  • 18:47 But, um, not rakes. Those are my nemeses. #
  • 18:49 Also, sadly, I had my first random dormie die in the Sims. I resolve to take better care of the rest of them. #
  • 18:49 (And not accidentally write "bake the rest of them.") #
  • 18:50 *dances a non-trivial amount* #

Sent into the blogosphere by a potato...corn...chowder...lamp.

And the only costumes left were a butterfly and a shrew...

Twitterings for October 8, 2008:

  • 11:53 Dude. They actually did that thing from xkcd - xkcd.com/481/ #
  • 12:17 Spatula! #
  • 15:01 Midterm. *flails* #
  • 15:02 Final exam, Tuesday, December 9, 08:30. *flails* #
  • 15:16 I'll simple first-year calculus you. #
  • 15:19 I hate you, two-eyed activities. #
  • 15:28 *flails* *flails so hard her wrist cracks* Whoops. #
  • 15:46 (And also, Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner. You little overachiever, you.) #
  • 18:33 *breathes garlic*
    *kills all vampires within a 50-foot radius* #
  • 21:32 I just spent the entirety of my half-hour bath singing 'O Holy Night'. There are, of course, two minor problems with this: #
  • 21:32 1. IT'S OCTOBER. #
  • 21:32 2. I could only remember one verse, which I'm sure annoyed my neighbours. I know if I were to hear my neighbour singing, I'd want VARIETY. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and Ruy's lazy evaluator being lazy, but not the right kind of lazy.

Who unzipped my banana?

Twitterings for October 7, 2008:

  • 11:59 Right, then the wishing well gives us someone perfectly nice, but the ghosts scare the crap out of Passionfruit, completely tanking the date #
  • 12:00 The flaming bag is still sitting in front of the door. I'm sure I should do something about it. Maybe. #
  • 12:00 She should really just stop. #
  • 12:01 However, as heir, that's not going to work so well. #
  • 12:01 In other news, good morning, everyone! #
  • 12:02 Except, good afternoon (or later! or tomorrow!) anywhere except for Hawaii and Alaska. #
  • 12:02 I set the alarm for 08:30 this morning. Except, after waking up at 11, we realized I'd set it for 8:30PM. #
  • 12:03 If they could just operate in 24 hour time, that'd be just swell and peachy. #
  • 16:24 Don't let your guard down, she could attack at any minute. #
  • 16:25 *hears classical music*
    *wonders if she's losing it* #
  • 16:25 Oh, and I also got a summons for jury duty today. Much as I'd *love* to be on the jury for a criminal trial, I'll be washing my hair. #
  • 17:13 Thanksgiving is good, but do we all REALLY have to give thanks with a turkey? #
  • 19:07 *IS HUNGRY* #
  • 19:13 *hexes* #
  • 19:14 Curses! I just ordered sushi again. What the hell was I thinking? *salivates* #
  • 19:17 Now, Twitter, I know I feel strongly about this, but there's no need to post it, like, 8 times. #
  • 19:22 Apparently, I have a much louder voice than I ever realized. *zips lips shut* #
  • 19:32 I'm very happy for Hayden Panettiere's cupcakes. Really. I just didn't need to read about it twice in two hours. #
  • 19:32 Or, twice ever, actually. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and Tyrone the evil butler.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Brought to you by something hilarious and completely unmemorable...

Twitterings for October 6, 2008:
  • 16:37 "This calls for the Smustle."
    "It does?" #
  • 16:38 "And the barbeques. There's nothing like a nice barbeque against a clear sky." #
  • 16:38 ROFL. Oh, simfinite, how you make me laugh. #
  • 19:08 Um, exactly when did we acquire neighbourhood children? #
  • 19:08 Ruy: "Is it Halloween?"
    Yes, Ruy. It's Halloween on all of the 6th of October. #
  • 22:34 The dating exploits of Passionfruit Curcubeu: matchmaker brings us a girl who downright refuses to be tickled. But tormenting earns us ++. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, that Romanian flag over there, that empty Starbucks cup, Ruy's iPhone, a map of Oblivion, and a gummy airplane.

And that's the story of the very first caramel cod--I mean, Halloween...

Twitterings for October 5, 2008:
  • 20:34 *dies* #
  • 20:34 All those autumn tubers I ate for dinner, I regret. Deeply. #
  • 20:35 Ruy and I went to Park Royal today. I bought a metric ton of wool. #
  • 20:38 ...Patrick Stewart?! #
  • 21:15 Question: Is texture a 2D property or a 3D property?
    Answer: Yes! #
  • 21:16 *facepalm* #
  • 21:16 No, no, that's not actually an answer. You see, or implies exclusive or, or XOR. #
  • 21:17 Would you answer a yes or no question with "twelve"? #

Sent into the blogosphere by dancing chickens. With little tap-dancing hats, and everything.

Hysterical cat situation...

Twitterings for October 4, 2008:
  • 12:35 Nearly finished assignment 3 for CompViz (not due until the 15th). #
  • 13:56 And I finished it. #
  • 20:24 Nothing quite like having a nap Saturday afternoon, waking up, and wondering if it's Sunday. ...it's not. #
  • 21:37 *is awake*...*is very awake* O_O #
  • 21:38 I just have this very clear memory of trying to make sure we stayed awake on our way into Everett, and me picking the most awake music... #
  • 21:38 And awake we did. #
  • 21:40 ...it's not me, it's you. #
  • 21:41 It's industrialized metal? It *sounds* like industrialized metal. #
  • 21:41 Literally, like chunks of iron. #
Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and the very first caramel cod.

Now, am I *really* the only one who finds that just a little bit tacky?

Twitterings for October 3, 2008:
  • 01:48 Aviya and Amarantha (my current Sim legacy) popped out TRIPLETS while their youngest was still a toddler. That was...interesting. #
  • 10:28 Groovy, funky Channel 27... #
  • 13:31 There really is nothing quite like erasing the eyes of creepy-looking Furbies and pumpkins. #
  • 13:32 Of course, I'm not that great at texture synthesis, but still, quite impressive. #
  • 13:32 That Furby was just creepy... #
  • 13:33 However, there was that unfortunately-shaped stack of dice I tried to get rid of. Heh. #
  • 15:18 Ow. Ow. Acid. Burn. Reflux. Ugh. #
  • 19:08 Never having caffeine again. Or citrus. Or spicy, fatty, fried foods. Or chocolate. Or tomatoes. #
  • 19:08 Or carbonated anything. #
  • 19:09 If that's what it's going to take to not feel like someone is killing me in the digestive system, I'll take it. #
  • 19:10 Meanwhile, being killed in the upper digestive tract. #
  • 19:40 Ah, flavoured water. Perhaps I shall not die drinking only water. #
  • 19:41 This one is *flavoured*...and has sucralose (but at least it's not aspartame). #
  • 19:42 Before you complain about my artificial sugar hypocrisy, everything but sucralose sends my lower intestine into paroxysms of defeat. #
  • 21:47 @aeiouna Yeah, I'm not reading it either. I have no interest in ever doing so, either. #
  • 23:25 Circe Beaker, your unfortunate nose is...not so unfortunate. #

Sent into the blogosphere by slide rules.

All around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel...

Twitterings for October 2, 2008:
  • 11:56 It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all... #
  • 11:57 Listening to Monday's lecture. Half the lecture seems new. Maybe I only heard every second word in class? #
  • 12:24 *snickers* #
  • 14:10 "Seriously. What's the obsession with purple eyeshadow?" #
  • 14:11 *gigglesnort* #
  • 14:11 *rolls on floor laughing* #
  • 14:11 Realizes no one but her family would get why she's laughing. #
  • 14:11 *looks innocent* *giggles quietly* #
  • 14:12 Also, not quite apropos of nothing. It was Sims-related. #
  • 23:17 Yay! Playing Bioshock again! Finally! #
  • 23:31 Welcome to the Circus of Value! #
  • 00:07 Postman Pat and his black and white cat... #

Sent into the blogosphere by the age-old story of PURPLE EYESHADOW!

Ah, so you're a waffle man...

Twitterings for October 1, 2008:
  • 14:43 My ankle is digging into the concrete floor of this building. Ow. #
  • 14:50 *mutters* I'll high-quality display YOUR better computer. #
  • 14:51 I finished a hefty chunk (the code-writing) of Matlab assignment 3. Who's excited? #
  • 14:51 Also, Twitter is very nice to have. Otherwise, I might actually mutter some of these things about my prof out loud. #
  • 14:52 And, as anyone who's ever talked to me knows, I don't mutter quietly enough... #
  • 14:55 *bounces* #
  • 15:03 Ooo, midterm vote. #
  • 15:07 House is on my desktop, holding a heart at me. And, like, anyone who's sitting behind me. #
  • 15:08 10 minutes later, and I have no idea what the final midterm decision is. #
  • 15:14 ...I should not enjoy Matlab programming quite as much as I do. #
  • 15:20 *John* Shakespeare? #
  • 15:22 No, "corners" are important in today's high-"corner" economy. Also, watch out when you're going around that "corner." #
  • 15:25 XOMG. #
  • 15:27 Dip back into my multivariable calculus? #
  • 15:27 Uh, I lost it. I think the bunnies might have eaten it. #
  • 15:34 And then, all of a sudden? I walked into a conversation about heavy matrix algebra. #
  • 15:34 The worst part is, I hadn't gone anywhere. #
  • 15:39 Yes, of COURSE that's what an eigenvalue is. How could I have forgotten? #
  • 15:48 The cake is a lie. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, and viewers like you.

Coincidentally, I think I'm quite awesome...

Twitterings for September 30, 2008:
  • 14:31 Don't, you know, *explain* what a sum square difference is or anything... #
  • 21:21 My stomach hurts, and I'm so ridiculously itchy right now. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and Matlab's Image Processing Toolbox.

Tale of the unidentified cake emoticon...

Twitterings for September 29, 2008:
  • 12:18 Take me home, country road, to the place I belong... #
  • 12:19 tinyurl.com/4lecf7 #
  • 14:55 Oh, ew, Assignment 3 for CompViz has been posted. #
  • 14:59 Also, coffee jitters. #
  • 15:06 Painted with broad strokes? Really? #
  • 15:38 *facepalm* tinyurl.com/68xkz #
  • 15:38 This is just getting tedious. #
  • 15:39 Not only is "begging the question" a logical fallacy, you're also not even using the phrase right. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, John Denver (who, coincidentally, is not Bob Denver), and the cake emoticon of no discernible reason.

Psychic online flash...

Twitterings for September 28th, 2008:
  • 12:25 Give in, and get a free ride. #
  • 12:25 And a hotplate! #
  • 12:36 Your loving son, Queen Victoria. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, too much television, and the clear fact that Colonel Flagg is definitely smoking something hallucinogenic.