Friday, January 11, 2008

And I go to Belgium, for which I profusely apologize...

That's right, kids, Jess has a blog.

Okay, I should rephrase that.  Jess has had a blog for some years now, but now she's writing one for the benefit of her family and friends.  So, you know, all 8 or 9 of you, this is for you.

Plus, this way, Janis will actually read my blog, instead of using the excuse that she's "forgotten her password" for the other one.

So, you all know about Dad's little sojourn to RCH.  He's home now and micromanaging with the best of them (I don't know why I tell you this - I should hope most of you know this already).

Ruy has a cold.  Poor guy.  Had a fever of 103 (*attempts not to hum Foreigner's Hot-Blooded*...*promptly fails*).  

I also can't promise I won't make really bad jokes like that in this blog.  On a continual basis.  Loudly.  I'm full of bad puns, and inside jokes.  And if I can make one of you laugh, I've done my job here.

Seriously, though, he really did have a fever of 39.6, which roughly converts to 103.3F.

I can't think of much else to say.  I am exhausted from the events of this week, and should probably go to sleep now, and sleep until Sunday in order to feel better.



Unknown said...

Zzzz until sunday is very most sensible an idea

Niles the Camel said...

I really did forget my password! And I will faithfully read this blog