Friday, September 26, 2008

And, of course, your lovely riding horse...

Twitterings for September 24, 2008:
  • 00:38 That pudding...was not very good. #
  • 00:39 Do I blame the pudding mix or the rice milk? Either way, ick. #
  • 09:07 Woke up with the damn hiccups. Not pleasant, especially when it feels like your stomach is going to get heaved up by mistake. :P #
  • 22:11 Zzzzzzz. #
  • 22:12 Ruy is back. We picked him up at the airport this afternoon. I surprised him, because I told him I wasn't going to be at the airport. #
  • 22:12 I'm sneaky like that. #
  • 22:13 I got the hiccups yet again when I was eating lunch, and nothing would make them go away. So I hiccuped my way through two sandwiches. #
  • 22:13 It was VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. #
  • 22:14 Didn't get enough sleep last night, so I ended up taking a nap after lunch on Ruy's parent's couch until it was time to leave. #
  • 22:15 Ruy's sense of time is screwed up, and he flew for 18 hours, so he's reeeeallly out of it now. #
  • 22:15 I napped with him for awhile, and now I'll probably be awake all night. #
  • 22:16 I have no idea what to have for dinner. Was going to get sushi, but woke up too late. #
  • 22:17 Rather cutely, Ruy keeps waking up and speaking to me in Romanian. Doesn't even realize he's doing it. #
  • 22:17 Good thing I have some sort of idea what he's talking about. #
  • 22:17 Hunnnnnngry. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, a slide rule, flipping sign reversals, and Twitter.

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