Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Um, television radio glass of water Monopoly box...

Twitterings for September 13, 2008:
  • 21:30 And...I lost my crochet hook again. I swear, I *just* had it. #
  • 21:31 Ruy called this afternoon. Yay! We talked for an hour. I miss him, but it was really nice to be able to communicate with him. #
  • 21:32 Got my hair cut this morning, then went shopping with my Mom. Jeans, scrub pants, zippy jacker and shoooooes. #
  • 21:33 I also had a really random nap at around 4ish, when my mom went to pick up my dad from work and my sister went to the dentist. #
  • 21:34 Then woke up and evvvvvveryone was home. It was weird. #
  • 21:40 Found the crochet hook! It was...quite literally sitting on my chest. *sigh* #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and the word "kleptography," if it existed, which it does not.

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