Friday, February 22, 2008

The cheese stands alone...

The first thing you need to know, is that I got hamsters. 3 of them, and they're Russian dwarf hamsters. Very cute, very small, very lovable. Dad loves them, Mom hates them and thinks they're scary, and calls them rats. Ruy loves them, Hopper and Haskell are downright afraid of them.

Right, so that was a couple of weeks ago.

Somehow, the cage I bought, did not contain the promised wheel attachment, and PetSmart has not come through in the shipping department. Sadness.

So, I decided to get them a wheel in the meantime, to tide them over. This ultimately culminated in me buying a new cage, with a wheel, because it was cheaper, and Petcetera seemed to be fresh out of wheels.

This, you need to know for the next entry.

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