Sunday, May 18, 2008

Funtime Happypost


It's hot outside. I'm mellllting, I'm melllllting.

I've been spending my days really, really attempting to get some programming done. So far, I have read the first 13 chapters of the Ruby book, started a whole bunch of projects that I can't properly start until I learn Rails, and got a skeleton of a fun, binary decode/encoder done, but got stuck when I realized I had no idea how to tell whether what someone was inputting was a file or not. Then, while typing the previous sentence, I realized that what is important is that you know whether the input is a filename or not. Which makes everything much, much simpler. I should clearly write out these things more often.

After cheering about the fact that I was through my required software engineering class (*shudder* group project *shudder*) and would never have to take it again, I found out that taking its sequel, Advanced Software Engineering, may actually be my only option for this fall. The ironing, it is delicious.

Bordering on downright obsession, I have been playing The Sims 2 and all of its fun expansion packs. Or, rather, I was playing it obsessively, and will return to doing so in a moment, once the weekend is over, and I've figured out how to seamlessly integrate it into my daily schedule. Right now, I'm downloading hair. And possibly elf ears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woohoo Ruby!