Monday, October 27, 2008

Ripping the universe a new one...

Twitterings for October 18, 2008:
  • 00:21 Highlights of poker night: Failure of 3-person poker, gave up and played the Wii. #
  • 00:22 ...nobody quite understands the rules, so we switch halfway through. #
  • 00:23 ...failure at basic internet skills. #
  • 00:23 ...Goomba escapes, my chair breaks...AT THE SAME TIME. #
  • 00:24 ...Ruy getting a little edgy about the positioning of poker chips in the case. #
  • 00:25 ...we can't navigate our own messy fridge, but Kim still somehow manages to find the beer we pushed to the back of the fridge when we... #
  • 00:25 ...moved in. #
  • 00:26 ...many, many laughs - while we were all completely sober. #
  • 00:27 ...periodic distraction by Galcon. #
  • 00:28 ...whipping out the measuring tape for Roman and Ruy's iPhones. *snort* #
  • 00:33 ...Kim supplying her own sound effects for a completely silent puzzle game. #
  • 12:59 Haskell is being all adorable, stealing hay from Blooper and Goomba's cage. #
  • 13:00 ...I wonder if he knows that's who he's stealing it from. #
  • 13:50 Mmm, infinite sea of zeroes... #
  • 13:55 Ruy, the answer to "Do the bunnies have velcro?" is not "I don't know, I've never looked." #
  • 20:21 I sense a deep fail in the force: how did it manage to pass me by that Teryl Rothery was pregnant? #
  • 20:22 On that note, however, big congrats to Teryl on the birth of her daughter. And big fail for me not knowing. #
  • 20:22 Not that it terribly matters, but you know, as part of fandom, I should really keep up on these things. #
  • 20:22 But right now, I have to go marinate fish. #
  • 21:18 I find it quite fortuitous that Ruy will gladly handle any raw meat, except fish, and I will gladly handle raw fish, but no other raw meat. #
  • 21:18 We're having halibut and salmon skewers for dinner, you see. #
  • 21:19 I think we've just about worn out the halibut pun. #
  • 21:19 And the only drawback to handling raw fish, other than, you know, handling slimy, raw fish, is the smell lingers on your hands for years. #

Sent into the blogosphere by Ruy's dad, SOLVING THE HALTING PROBLEM, ZOMG.

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