Saturday, November 29, 2008

Inappropriate sources of gratitude...

Apologies in advance for the minor-ish swearing I do in this post, I think it's warranted. I did just have knee surgery!

[Cribbed from my LJ]


*tries not to fall asleep on keyboard*


As approximately 3 of you know, I had knee surgery yesterday. Right knee arthroscopy and an OATS procedure. For those who don't feel like reading the articles, I went in, had my knee sliced open, and the piece of bone/cartilage that they had to remove last year (as it had somehow detached and was causing problems with walking and such), was replaced with an equal sized plug from the other side of my knee.


I had to be at UBC Hospital at 08:15, which meant I had to get up at ass o'clock. My parents picked Ruy and I up and off we went so I could be admitted. Relatively uneventful until they called me in to get changed and then be interrogated by the nurse, re: everything I've ever done, taken, lived through, etc. However, she also had celiac disease, so at least we could bond over that.

She inserted my IV, hit a valve, had to take it out, and reinsert it in my right hand (which they evidently undid while they were doing the surgery, because I woke up later with it in the crook of my right elbow/forearm. Yay, 3 IV bruises!

I was talked to by my orthopedic surgeon, several anesthetists, my orthopedic surgeon's helper, and a few stray nurses, who all asked exactly the same questions, but hey, whatever gets them to open up the right (er, as in correct) knee, is okay by me.

Anesthetists and I discussed my usual nausea after general anesthesia. Suggestion was made that I go for a spinal anesthetic and sedation instead. "You want to stick a needle in my SPINE?!?!" I declined, so they said they'd give me a bunch of anti-nausea drugs during the surgery. Which they did, and I was massively happy for it afterwards.

The fading out part wasn't so bad, but I could do without the troubles I had fading back in. I was fucking exhausted, so tired I could just diiiiiiieeeee. But every time I tried to nod off back to sleep to stave off some of the bone-deep exhaustion (which I suppose the cocktail of midazolam, fentanyl, and ketamine would do to me), my O2 SAT monitor would start beeping, because I was breathing too shallowly, and they'd have to wake me up and tell me to take deep breaths. Which was, I agree, necessary, but seeeeeeeriously, I was so exhausted.

One of the side effects of fentanyl is dry mouth, which I have been experiencing like fuck since I woke up. I drank so much ice water yesterday, which I suppose kept me slightly awake. Then they gave me ginger ale, which tasted good, and woke me up a little more, but made my mouth SO DRY I COULDN'T STAND IT. Then, of course, I drank so many fluids that i had to pee desperately, to the point where I was in a lot of pain, and sure my bladder was about to rupture. To summarize a story I would never want to relive, I was ignored, ignored some more, moved, ignored, then finally someone paid attention to me, my mom got my crutches, and pretty much her and this one nurse are my heroes, for finally getting me to the bathroom, before I expired.

After that, I was allowed to get dressed, and start going home. Other than some dizziness when I first stood up, and the crazy feeling in my knee, I didn't feel any nausea at all. Which was good, because I then had a roughly hour and a bit car ride home to my parents', in the rain.

I'm on Oxycodone, and Tylenol for the pain. After less than a week, I get to switch to T3s, which shall be awesome, because Oxycodone GIVES ME MORE GODDAMN DRY MOUTH. In the past day, I swear, I've drank about a Nile's worth of water, and I still want MORE.

Between the amount of fluid going into me, and the still present exhaustion, I can't help but think back to yesterday, whenever either I've drank too *much* fluid, or I feel like falling asleep. I'm absolutely panicked about trying to sleep, in case I set off the goddamn O2 SAT alarm, WHICH I NO LONGER EVEN HAVE!

Also, on a slightly more happy note, it's my mom's birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Peter Cushing lives in Whitstable, I have seen him on a bicycle, I have seen him buying vegetables...

Except not, because Peter Cushing died in 1994. But that's neither here nor there.

What's important is this (cribbed from my LJ, where I posted the news last night when it happened):

Haskell died.

He was moving around when Ruy fed him and Hopper hay, but when I went to give them lettuce, he was sprawled, half inside their little house. Usually he's all up in the treats, so, I was a little worried. I felt for a pulse, for the rising and falling of his chest. Nothing. He was still warm, so obviously, he'd just died within the last few minutes.

A year less 5 days ago, Gryffin (our English Mastiff) died. I'm just getting tired of November, really.

Hopper's not sure what to do with herself. Her and Haskell were a bonded pair. ...also, he was the dominant of the two, so she's either going to be depressed, or start a terrible new regime of tyranny over Blooper and Goomba. I'd be okay with the tyranny, if it meant she wouldn't be sad. She just looks so lost. I think I know how she feels.'s not like Haskell was an old bunny, either. He was only 3 and a half or 4. But then again, Mastiffs have a life expectancy of about 10-ish years, and Gryffin died a few months after turning 6.

I'm devastated.

I'm SO devastated, I'm listening to Cotton Eye Joe to cheer myself up. This is wrong on just about every level.

We took his body up to the vet today, and they'll cremate him. We'll get his ashes back, and they'll send out the pertinent pieces for a necropsy.

Goomba's looking peaked, so everyone is going in for vet appointments on Wednesday afternoon.

I'm dealing relatively well, considering. However, I'm sure something completely unrelated will, in the next week, cause me to sob hysterically. I...apologize in advance.

Also? Is it us? Six hamsters in 6 months, and now Haskell. And possibly Goomba.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And then, the WiiFit made fun of me...

Twitterings for October 27, 2008:
  • 14:29 *stares at midterm histogram* Yeah, I'm willing to bet good money that 16/40 on the first midterm is me. #
  • 17:28 I PASSSSSSSED! #
  • 17:29 I got 46/80 in total, 21/40 for one part, and 25/40 for the other. So, passes for both, and a pass in total. And that 16 wasn't meeeee! #
  • 17:39 Because Janis will read this, be bored out of her mind, and wonder why she reads my blog at all because she's never mentioned: Hi Janis! #
  • 17:39 ...she turns 30 in less than a month. But it's okay with her, because she's getting married next year. #
  • 17:40 Speaking of the sis, her, my mom, and I went shopping at Park Royal yesterday. Janis kept trying to dress me up in ugly sweaters. #
  • 17:41 She didn't appreciate my taste in ugly-patterned blouses. #
  • 17:51 And the only baby Halloween costumes left (Old Navy had a hot dog costume last year, which cannot be topped) were a butterfly and... #
  • 17:52 ...what can only be classified as a shrew. Several of Janis' friends have had babies within the past couple of years, so at least the... #
  • 17:52 ...costumes are somewhat relevant. Maybe. #
  • 17:52 Right, she also tried to have a stuffed alligator eat me. #
  • 17:53 Did I mention she's turning 30 in less than a month? #
  • 17:53 We also gawked at the prices of fake flower arrangement at Michaels. That was fun. #
  • 17:54 Oh, and those Halloween treats from Whole Foods, that smelled *and* tasted like sweet sushi, though we're not sure why. #
  • 17:54 Pleasant aftertaste though. #
  • 17:55 All in all, it was a fun trip, even if I was laughed at when I got interrupted and said "Excuse me, I *was* having a point." #
  • 17:58 It is such fun to hang out with my mom and my sister. Even if all our roles are sometimes reversed. #
  • 17:58 "Older sister," my ass... #
  • 18:08 I started doing that "I'm Surrounded By Idiots" challenge for the Sims. #
  • 18:08 Decided to name the characters after things I saw around me (not my idea, but it's a good one). #
  • 18:09 Main character's name is Shredder. Had a daughter named Scissors. #
  • 18:09 So, of course, we have the delightful action: "Play with Scissors." #
  • 18:51 The Halting Problem: Maybe It's Just Taking A Long Time #
  • 19:06 Now, they're hitting the table. #
  • 19:06 Seriously, neither of them know how to have a constructive argument. #
  • 19:06 That, and Ruy's dad just makes shit up. #
  • 19:12 Do not introduce, to a rational conversation, zombies. #

Sent into the blogosphere by a white chocolate peppermint mocha and friends.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Brought to you by the letter Zombie...

Twitterings for October 26, 2008:
  • 00:30 Now, use Ackermann's function to figure out why I've been humming Greensleeves for the last 20 minutes. #

Sent into the blogosphere by ZOMBIES?!

Well, now they're denying the existence of infinite loops, and I CANNOT ABIDE BY THAT...

Twitterings for October 25th, 2008:
  • 14:30 "Just a second, I'm doing one of those things that's prone to failure." ..."you're...building a house of cards?" #
  • 14:51 Ruy, you are SUCH a nerd. Making spreadsheets for TTD? I mean, really? #
  • 14:51 *doesn't think about making a spreadsheet for her Sims* #
  • 16:54 300 days, a lot of crocheting, and much PotterFicWeekly withdrawal later, I've actually made it to Chapter 29 in After The End. #
  • 16:55 Mind you, this *just* catches me up to where I'd finished listening to the PFW podcast, and absolutely no further. #
  • 16:55 Which means I can't even listen to PFW again yet. #
  • 16:56 Curse the fact that I can't just listen to the podcast without reading the fic. Curse it! #
  • 20:34 6 weeks of laundry = nearly done. Last big load is in dryer, and a few small things are in the washing machine. #
  • 22:31 Rest of the laundry is in the dryer. The finish line is around the corner. #
  • 23:36 6 more towels. #
  • 23:37 And, phew, I finally made it to Chapter 30 in After The End. #

Sent into the blogosphere by invisible loops that are surely not infinite.

Just set a timer?

Twitterings for October 21, 2008:
  • 12:03 Surprisingly, "stupid computer vision how i hate you" does not yield any relevant Google results. #
  • 12:04 Midterm did not go well yesterday. I kept staring at the paper, hoping it would spontaneously burst into flames. Alas, it did not. #
  • 12:04 Midterm Part 2 is tomorrow, and boy am I looking forward to that. #
  • 12:31 Except, of course, not. #
  • 12:31 Oh, Steve Jobs' lackey, stop bloviating. #
  • 16:24 Heh. I may have just told Ruy to download the dishwasher. What?! The internet takes over my brain regularly. #

Sent into the blogosphere by RUY SMASH TABLE.

Okay, seriously, it smells like horse in here...

Twitterings for October 19, 2008:
  • 17:38 Alright, I've studied to breaking point for this midterm. Any more studying and things are going to start falling out my ears. #
  • 17:38 Also, massive headache. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and a very angry Halting Problem.

Ripping the universe a new one...

Twitterings for October 18, 2008:
  • 00:21 Highlights of poker night: Failure of 3-person poker, gave up and played the Wii. #
  • 00:22 ...nobody quite understands the rules, so we switch halfway through. #
  • 00:23 ...failure at basic internet skills. #
  • 00:23 ...Goomba escapes, my chair breaks...AT THE SAME TIME. #
  • 00:24 ...Ruy getting a little edgy about the positioning of poker chips in the case. #
  • 00:25 ...we can't navigate our own messy fridge, but Kim still somehow manages to find the beer we pushed to the back of the fridge when we... #
  • 00:25 ...moved in. #
  • 00:26 ...many, many laughs - while we were all completely sober. #
  • 00:27 ...periodic distraction by Galcon. #
  • 00:28 ...whipping out the measuring tape for Roman and Ruy's iPhones. *snort* #
  • 00:33 ...Kim supplying her own sound effects for a completely silent puzzle game. #
  • 12:59 Haskell is being all adorable, stealing hay from Blooper and Goomba's cage. #
  • 13:00 ...I wonder if he knows that's who he's stealing it from. #
  • 13:50 Mmm, infinite sea of zeroes... #
  • 13:55 Ruy, the answer to "Do the bunnies have velcro?" is not "I don't know, I've never looked." #
  • 20:21 I sense a deep fail in the force: how did it manage to pass me by that Teryl Rothery was pregnant? #
  • 20:22 On that note, however, big congrats to Teryl on the birth of her daughter. And big fail for me not knowing. #
  • 20:22 Not that it terribly matters, but you know, as part of fandom, I should really keep up on these things. #
  • 20:22 But right now, I have to go marinate fish. #
  • 21:18 I find it quite fortuitous that Ruy will gladly handle any raw meat, except fish, and I will gladly handle raw fish, but no other raw meat. #
  • 21:18 We're having halibut and salmon skewers for dinner, you see. #
  • 21:19 I think we've just about worn out the halibut pun. #
  • 21:19 And the only drawback to handling raw fish, other than, you know, handling slimy, raw fish, is the smell lingers on your hands for years. #

Sent into the blogosphere by Ruy's dad, SOLVING THE HALTING PROBLEM, ZOMG.

The Halting Problem: Maybe It's Just Taking A Long Time

Twitterings for October 17, 2008:
  • 14:57 Well, you should all be pleased to know that I finally got my pen back from my prof. #
  • 15:01 Sweet, cumulative PDF of notes! #
  • 15:04 also appears to be 153 pages long. That's not so fun. #
  • 15:40 *midterm ph34rs* #
  • 17:19 Something to remember: This course makes a lot more sense if studied in reverse. #
  • 17:20 And, you know, the usual these-notes-suck-damn-it-I'm going-to-read-about-this-on-Wikipedia... #
  • 18:22 This studying is going to go absolutely nowhere if I'm not actually looking at the right window. #
  • 19:00 And Gaussian pyramids? Only understandable backwards. #

Sent into the blogosphere by the laws of the universe: broken for the last time.

Step. Step. Twist. Sashay. Elephant.

Twitterings for October 15, 2008:
  • 15:07 @aeiouna Just a little. It's hardly noticeable. *gets out Canadian flags and waves them while jumping up and down* #
  • 15:08 So, in conclusion, the DRC sucks, my prof *doesn't* enjoy stealing people's pens, and I am highly caffeinated and tired. #
  • 15:11 Now, I'm not going to mix metaphors, but *mixes metaphors*. #
  • 15:18 "One obvious else"? #
  • 15:31 Horse to the front! Horse to the side! ...VO GERBITS! #
  • 18:18 Janis doesn't like my Twittering. Nuts to Janis. #

Sent into the blogosphere by the sashaying elephant.

I objectify your reality...

Twitterings for October 14, 2008:
  • 21:42 Conservatives form a minority government. Again. Just, with many more seats than before. One more election like this and they will have... #
  • 21:42 ...trompled the Liberals completely. #
  • 21:43 I'm just pleased that the NDP increased their number of seats. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and age-old bitterness.

Go away, bass line from 'Creep'...

Twitterings for October 13, 2008:
  • 14:10 Psychic online flash. #
  • 14:10 ...which actually sounds quite invasive and involving a trench coat. #
  • 14:10 Also, for future reference, you do not, in fact, spell "psychic" with a 6. #

Sent into the blogosphere by misspellings of "twitterings." I'll leave you to guess what they were.

Was it the *hats* that were tap-dancing?

Twitterings for October 12, 2008:
  • 13:50 No, Wilson, come baaaaaaack! #
  • 13:56 Downloading Bones, since I haven't seen anything since the premiere. #
  • 13:56 Downloading first 3 seasons of NCIS, plus first few episodes of this season reason I can really think of. #
  • 15:11 Thanksgiving! I mean, turkey. #
  • 15:44 Canadian politics discussions! I love them! #
  • 16:39 Looking at parents' pictures from NYC. #
  • 16:40 Also, you Americans may be excited for your upcoming election, but we will have planned, called, and announced the results of ours... #
  • 16:41 ...before you're even at the polls! #
  • 16:41 (I'm excited for the American election too. Go Obama!) #
  • 16:42 However...I'm very excited for this Tuesday night, when I will be watching the results of our election roll in. #
  • 16:42 Even if I can't vote, because I'm sure as hell not spending 3+ hours on transit getting out here to my parents' to vote (my actual riding).. #
  • 16:43 ...and no official-looking mail comes for me to Ruy and I's apartment, so I can't vote in that riding either. #
  • 16:43 Dwight says that if I don't vote, then I can't bitch about who other people vote for. #
  • 16:44 I'll have him know that I bitched about who people voted for WAAAAAYYY before I was old enough to vote. So, ha. #
  • 16:44 And I never said I was going to bitch. My actual words were "break people's legs if they vote Conservative." #
  • 16:45 And, it was actually just Ruy. #

Sent into the blogosphere by Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, and Jimmy.

Do you see towels?

Twitterings for October 11, 2008:
  • 12:25 I love you, Jack Layton! #
  • 20:06 Do you see towels? If you see towels, you're probably in the linen closet again. #

Sent into the blogosphere by the gnome-stealers, and their malicious sneak-walk.

Mollusk chowder...

Twitterings for October 10, 2008:
  • 08:26 *IS SO AWAKE* #
  • 08:26 Really, there's no need to have office hours so early in the morning. *struggles to function without coffee* #
  • 08:27 *wonders how her Sims can be so awake at this time of morning*
    *glares* #
  • 08:29 *narrows eyes at clock* Definitely too early to be speaking CHEERFUL LOUD ROMANIAN. #
  • 10:27 You know it's going to be a good day when it starts with your prof stealing your pen. #
  • 10:30 Then, you forget the forms that you went all the way to campus so early to get signed, inside Booster Juice... #
  • 10:31 ...who probably poisoned your drink with the whey powder you specifically asked them not to put in. #
  • 20:49 And then it turned out it *was* poisoned with whey powder, and then I slept for several hours. #

Sent into the blogosphere by Janis' subtle irritation with my Twittering.

Just not the right kind of lazy...

Twitterings for October 9, 2008:
  • 12:29 So. Cold. #
  • 14:24 Oo. i just made my Twitter background purple. Be excited, y'all. #
  • 15:55 I am at least 12 kinds of awesome, and have pwned Rake like nobody's business. #
  • 18:47 But, um, not rakes. Those are my nemeses. #
  • 18:49 Also, sadly, I had my first random dormie die in the Sims. I resolve to take better care of the rest of them. #
  • 18:49 (And not accidentally write "bake the rest of them.") #
  • 18:50 *dances a non-trivial amount* #

Sent into the blogosphere by a potato...corn...chowder...lamp.

And the only costumes left were a butterfly and a shrew...

Twitterings for October 8, 2008:

  • 11:53 Dude. They actually did that thing from xkcd - #
  • 12:17 Spatula! #
  • 15:01 Midterm. *flails* #
  • 15:02 Final exam, Tuesday, December 9, 08:30. *flails* #
  • 15:16 I'll simple first-year calculus you. #
  • 15:19 I hate you, two-eyed activities. #
  • 15:28 *flails* *flails so hard her wrist cracks* Whoops. #
  • 15:46 (And also, Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner. You little overachiever, you.) #
  • 18:33 *breathes garlic*
    *kills all vampires within a 50-foot radius* #
  • 21:32 I just spent the entirety of my half-hour bath singing 'O Holy Night'. There are, of course, two minor problems with this: #
  • 21:32 1. IT'S OCTOBER. #
  • 21:32 2. I could only remember one verse, which I'm sure annoyed my neighbours. I know if I were to hear my neighbour singing, I'd want VARIETY. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and Ruy's lazy evaluator being lazy, but not the right kind of lazy.

Who unzipped my banana?

Twitterings for October 7, 2008:

  • 11:59 Right, then the wishing well gives us someone perfectly nice, but the ghosts scare the crap out of Passionfruit, completely tanking the date #
  • 12:00 The flaming bag is still sitting in front of the door. I'm sure I should do something about it. Maybe. #
  • 12:00 She should really just stop. #
  • 12:01 However, as heir, that's not going to work so well. #
  • 12:01 In other news, good morning, everyone! #
  • 12:02 Except, good afternoon (or later! or tomorrow!) anywhere except for Hawaii and Alaska. #
  • 12:02 I set the alarm for 08:30 this morning. Except, after waking up at 11, we realized I'd set it for 8:30PM. #
  • 12:03 If they could just operate in 24 hour time, that'd be just swell and peachy. #
  • 16:24 Don't let your guard down, she could attack at any minute. #
  • 16:25 *hears classical music*
    *wonders if she's losing it* #
  • 16:25 Oh, and I also got a summons for jury duty today. Much as I'd *love* to be on the jury for a criminal trial, I'll be washing my hair. #
  • 17:13 Thanksgiving is good, but do we all REALLY have to give thanks with a turkey? #
  • 19:07 *IS HUNGRY* #
  • 19:13 *hexes* #
  • 19:14 Curses! I just ordered sushi again. What the hell was I thinking? *salivates* #
  • 19:17 Now, Twitter, I know I feel strongly about this, but there's no need to post it, like, 8 times. #
  • 19:22 Apparently, I have a much louder voice than I ever realized. *zips lips shut* #
  • 19:32 I'm very happy for Hayden Panettiere's cupcakes. Really. I just didn't need to read about it twice in two hours. #
  • 19:32 Or, twice ever, actually. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and Tyrone the evil butler.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Brought to you by something hilarious and completely unmemorable...

Twitterings for October 6, 2008:
  • 16:37 "This calls for the Smustle."
    "It does?" #
  • 16:38 "And the barbeques. There's nothing like a nice barbeque against a clear sky." #
  • 16:38 ROFL. Oh, simfinite, how you make me laugh. #
  • 19:08 Um, exactly when did we acquire neighbourhood children? #
  • 19:08 Ruy: "Is it Halloween?"
    Yes, Ruy. It's Halloween on all of the 6th of October. #
  • 22:34 The dating exploits of Passionfruit Curcubeu: matchmaker brings us a girl who downright refuses to be tickled. But tormenting earns us ++. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, that Romanian flag over there, that empty Starbucks cup, Ruy's iPhone, a map of Oblivion, and a gummy airplane.

And that's the story of the very first caramel cod--I mean, Halloween...

Twitterings for October 5, 2008:
  • 20:34 *dies* #
  • 20:34 All those autumn tubers I ate for dinner, I regret. Deeply. #
  • 20:35 Ruy and I went to Park Royal today. I bought a metric ton of wool. #
  • 20:38 ...Patrick Stewart?! #
  • 21:15 Question: Is texture a 2D property or a 3D property?
    Answer: Yes! #
  • 21:16 *facepalm* #
  • 21:16 No, no, that's not actually an answer. You see, or implies exclusive or, or XOR. #
  • 21:17 Would you answer a yes or no question with "twelve"? #

Sent into the blogosphere by dancing chickens. With little tap-dancing hats, and everything.

Hysterical cat situation...

Twitterings for October 4, 2008:
  • 12:35 Nearly finished assignment 3 for CompViz (not due until the 15th). #
  • 13:56 And I finished it. #
  • 20:24 Nothing quite like having a nap Saturday afternoon, waking up, and wondering if it's Sunday.'s not. #
  • 21:37 *is awake*...*is very awake* O_O #
  • 21:38 I just have this very clear memory of trying to make sure we stayed awake on our way into Everett, and me picking the most awake music... #
  • 21:38 And awake we did. #
  • 21:40's not me, it's you. #
  • 21:41 It's industrialized metal? It *sounds* like industrialized metal. #
  • 21:41 Literally, like chunks of iron. #
Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and the very first caramel cod.

Now, am I *really* the only one who finds that just a little bit tacky?

Twitterings for October 3, 2008:
  • 01:48 Aviya and Amarantha (my current Sim legacy) popped out TRIPLETS while their youngest was still a toddler. That was...interesting. #
  • 10:28 Groovy, funky Channel 27... #
  • 13:31 There really is nothing quite like erasing the eyes of creepy-looking Furbies and pumpkins. #
  • 13:32 Of course, I'm not that great at texture synthesis, but still, quite impressive. #
  • 13:32 That Furby was just creepy... #
  • 13:33 However, there was that unfortunately-shaped stack of dice I tried to get rid of. Heh. #
  • 15:18 Ow. Ow. Acid. Burn. Reflux. Ugh. #
  • 19:08 Never having caffeine again. Or citrus. Or spicy, fatty, fried foods. Or chocolate. Or tomatoes. #
  • 19:08 Or carbonated anything. #
  • 19:09 If that's what it's going to take to not feel like someone is killing me in the digestive system, I'll take it. #
  • 19:10 Meanwhile, being killed in the upper digestive tract. #
  • 19:40 Ah, flavoured water. Perhaps I shall not die drinking only water. #
  • 19:41 This one is *flavoured*...and has sucralose (but at least it's not aspartame). #
  • 19:42 Before you complain about my artificial sugar hypocrisy, everything but sucralose sends my lower intestine into paroxysms of defeat. #
  • 21:47 @aeiouna Yeah, I'm not reading it either. I have no interest in ever doing so, either. #
  • 23:25 Circe Beaker, your unfortunate nose is...not so unfortunate. #

Sent into the blogosphere by slide rules.

All around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel...

Twitterings for October 2, 2008:
  • 11:56 It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all... #
  • 11:57 Listening to Monday's lecture. Half the lecture seems new. Maybe I only heard every second word in class? #
  • 12:24 *snickers* #
  • 14:10 "Seriously. What's the obsession with purple eyeshadow?" #
  • 14:11 *gigglesnort* #
  • 14:11 *rolls on floor laughing* #
  • 14:11 Realizes no one but her family would get why she's laughing. #
  • 14:11 *looks innocent* *giggles quietly* #
  • 14:12 Also, not quite apropos of nothing. It was Sims-related. #
  • 23:17 Yay! Playing Bioshock again! Finally! #
  • 23:31 Welcome to the Circus of Value! #
  • 00:07 Postman Pat and his black and white cat... #

Sent into the blogosphere by the age-old story of PURPLE EYESHADOW!

Ah, so you're a waffle man...

Twitterings for October 1, 2008:
  • 14:43 My ankle is digging into the concrete floor of this building. Ow. #
  • 14:50 *mutters* I'll high-quality display YOUR better computer. #
  • 14:51 I finished a hefty chunk (the code-writing) of Matlab assignment 3. Who's excited? #
  • 14:51 Also, Twitter is very nice to have. Otherwise, I might actually mutter some of these things about my prof out loud. #
  • 14:52 And, as anyone who's ever talked to me knows, I don't mutter quietly enough... #
  • 14:55 *bounces* #
  • 15:03 Ooo, midterm vote. #
  • 15:07 House is on my desktop, holding a heart at me. And, like, anyone who's sitting behind me. #
  • 15:08 10 minutes later, and I have no idea what the final midterm decision is. #
  • 15:14 ...I should not enjoy Matlab programming quite as much as I do. #
  • 15:20 *John* Shakespeare? #
  • 15:22 No, "corners" are important in today's high-"corner" economy. Also, watch out when you're going around that "corner." #
  • 15:25 XOMG. #
  • 15:27 Dip back into my multivariable calculus? #
  • 15:27 Uh, I lost it. I think the bunnies might have eaten it. #
  • 15:34 And then, all of a sudden? I walked into a conversation about heavy matrix algebra. #
  • 15:34 The worst part is, I hadn't gone anywhere. #
  • 15:39 Yes, of COURSE that's what an eigenvalue is. How could I have forgotten? #
  • 15:48 The cake is a lie. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, and viewers like you.

Coincidentally, I think I'm quite awesome...

Twitterings for September 30, 2008:
  • 14:31 Don't, you know, *explain* what a sum square difference is or anything... #
  • 21:21 My stomach hurts, and I'm so ridiculously itchy right now. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and Matlab's Image Processing Toolbox.

Tale of the unidentified cake emoticon...

Twitterings for September 29, 2008:
  • 12:18 Take me home, country road, to the place I belong... #
  • 12:19 #
  • 14:55 Oh, ew, Assignment 3 for CompViz has been posted. #
  • 14:59 Also, coffee jitters. #
  • 15:06 Painted with broad strokes? Really? #
  • 15:38 *facepalm* #
  • 15:38 This is just getting tedious. #
  • 15:39 Not only is "begging the question" a logical fallacy, you're also not even using the phrase right. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, John Denver (who, coincidentally, is not Bob Denver), and the cake emoticon of no discernible reason.

Psychic online flash...

Twitterings for September 28th, 2008:
  • 12:25 Give in, and get a free ride. #
  • 12:25 And a hotplate! #
  • 12:36 Your loving son, Queen Victoria. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, too much television, and the clear fact that Colonel Flagg is definitely smoking something hallucinogenic.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Questionable ammoniums...

Twitterings for September 26, 2008:
  • 11:16 Stupid. Broken. Git. #
  • 11:16 Except I won't, because YOU ARE BROKEN. #
  • 12:13 Some people call me the space cowboy. #
  • 12:15 Now, everyone to the panic room! #
  • 12:16 ...that's a misnomer. It's actually more of a closet. #
  • 12:40 I have unbroken git. Everybody is happy. #
  • 12:54 *stares* I need to stop attempting to follow this meeting, attempting to build a rake task, download Sims stuff and turn off the... #
  • 12:57 ...timer that mysteriously appeared along with our wireless network. #
  • 13:02 Alright, figured out the timer. #
  • 13:09 Okay, I *kind of* have the rake task. Or the general gist. It's figuring out exactly how rake doc:app does it. #
  • 13:27 At last! Rake::RDocTask! #
  • 13:28 Also, I found the document from the last time I worked on it - but I'd rather rewrite it, so that I actually understand it. #
  • 14:06 Damn. I *am* good. #
  • 14:06 It didn't work, but I debugged it, so that it did. #
  • 14:06 And it worrrrrrked. #
  • 15:06 I'm sorry, but a "flipping sign reversal," sounds just...wrong. #
  • 15:07 However, I think he might just be being redundant. #
  • 15:08 "Poor quality image printouts lose marks"? That', that's quite bastardy. #
  • 15:08 Oh yeah? Well, your mother. #
  • 15:08 ...'s shoemaker's dog. #
  • 15:11 Now, I'm no lover of clichés, but I believe planning this midterm is something akin to planning the invasion of Normandy. #
  • 15:16 Somehow, using an example of "finding elephants," while pertinent for the analysis of an image...makes less sense when applied to real life. #
  • 15:16 Um, I see the elephant. It just sat on my studying hut. #
  • 15:17 Can't find it in the image? Look for the broken hut. #
  • 15:17 Also, look for edges and corners, if you want to be exact. #
  • 15:25 Praxis, epistaxis, anaphylaxis, parallaxis... #
  • 15:29 "Since (by definition), binocular depth perception requires two functioning eyes, a person with only one functioning eye has none." #
  • 15:29 No *binocular* depth perception, or no depth perception whatsoever? #
  • 15:30 Also, yes, I did go off on an only partially-related tangent to what we are discussing. #
  • 15:31 But monocular depth perception doesn't exist? Yes, it does! #
  • 15:32 But it also requires accommodation. With the stretching and unstretching of the lens... #
  • 15:33 But I have no lens! #
  • 15:33 Do I see depth or not? Or am I just seeing a really fantastic 2D image, and working really well with lighting? #
  • 15:36 "People who are blind in one eye have impaired depth perception, but they still have functional depth perception." #
  • 15:37 #
  • 15:43 Alright, well, I'm fairly sure that the world is not flat. #
  • 15:45 I'd say that my depth perception is functional. However, I could never drive a car. That's less to do with depth perception... #
  • 15:46 ...and, um, more to do with the whole lack of vision in one eye. #
  • 15:47 I can't play baseball, either, but again, it's hard to keep your eye on the ball *and* know where your bat is in relation to anything. #
  • 15:49 I'd also like to take this opportunity to use the words "oculovestibular reflex." Just because. #
  • 15:53 *realizes she's still sitting here 5 minutes after class has ended* #
  • 19:36 And at some point, I will be able to say that I wrote the book on Rake. But, um, not rakes. #
  • 19:36 There are better authorities out there, I'm sure. #
  • 20:31 You want to fly on a magic carpet to visit the King of the Potato People, and plead with him for your freedom... #
  • 20:31 ...and you're telling me you're completely sane? #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, inappropriate ammoniums, and the strong arm of the potato.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Flipping sign reversals...

Twitterings for September 25, 2008:
  • 00:28 Dinner is almost done. #
  • 00:28 Oh, for shit's sake, it's 00:30! #
  • 00:28 Also, when the Reuben was invented, I don't think they had cinnamon raisin bread in mind as the base. #
  • 00:29 They could have been missing something important. #
  • 00:31 You won't read that book again, because the ending's just too hard to take. #
  • 08:07 Due to the hiccups that I developed *again* last night before bed, I think I'll be avoiding the solid food today. Lest I aspirate it... #
  • 08:08 I hiccup while eating. #
  • 13:34 My jaw aches. What the hell am I so tense about? #
  • 13:37 You can tell I'm deeply enamored with my readings for CompViz, when I think up 8 other things that I've been meaning to look up. #
  • 13:37 None of which relate to CompViz. #
  • 19:01 Never eating sushi again. Ever. #
  • 19:01 Don't know what's worse - regular heartburn, or sushiburn... #
  • 20:12 It feels like I swallowed a squid. A whole squid. In tact. Probably alive. It is now jabbing me in the stomach. #
  • 20:13 And ruthlessly attacking me with its tentacles. #
  • 20:14 Now, am I *really* the only one who finds that just a little bit tacky? #
  • 20:14 Quite clearly, I am. #
  • 20:14 *squid turns over in stomach* #

Sent into the blogosphere by the squids.

And, of course, your lovely riding horse...

Twitterings for September 24, 2008:
  • 00:38 That pudding...was not very good. #
  • 00:39 Do I blame the pudding mix or the rice milk? Either way, ick. #
  • 09:07 Woke up with the damn hiccups. Not pleasant, especially when it feels like your stomach is going to get heaved up by mistake. :P #
  • 22:11 Zzzzzzz. #
  • 22:12 Ruy is back. We picked him up at the airport this afternoon. I surprised him, because I told him I wasn't going to be at the airport. #
  • 22:12 I'm sneaky like that. #
  • 22:13 I got the hiccups yet again when I was eating lunch, and nothing would make them go away. So I hiccuped my way through two sandwiches. #
  • 22:13 It was VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. #
  • 22:14 Didn't get enough sleep last night, so I ended up taking a nap after lunch on Ruy's parent's couch until it was time to leave. #
  • 22:15 Ruy's sense of time is screwed up, and he flew for 18 hours, so he's reeeeallly out of it now. #
  • 22:15 I napped with him for awhile, and now I'll probably be awake all night. #
  • 22:16 I have no idea what to have for dinner. Was going to get sushi, but woke up too late. #
  • 22:17 Rather cutely, Ruy keeps waking up and speaking to me in Romanian. Doesn't even realize he's doing it. #
  • 22:17 Good thing I have some sort of idea what he's talking about. #
  • 22:17 Hunnnnnngry. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, a slide rule, flipping sign reversals, and Twitter.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The pudding, it was not so tasty...

Twitterings for September 23, 2008:
  • 11:20 Sneezing. Just cleaned out B & G's cage. Hay dust everywhere! #
  • 11:21 Goomba is currently attempting to break into the food stores. If she could wait 5 minutes, I could pour some into a bowl for her. #
  • 11:22 I would tell her to stop, but she's just so damn crafty! #
  • 11:22 There, see? Dishwasher's done. Bowl of food. #
  • 11:32 Everybody is eating and happy. #
  • 11:57 Another set of notes and formulae done! Shower and coffee time! #
  • 12:37 Coffee! #
  • 13:36 A ghost from a wishing well? I mean, really? #
  • 13:37 Also, Seeqpod, your lack of Gordon Lightfoot disturbs me. I've had to resort to YouTube. #
  • 14:02 Sundown, you better take care, if I find you've been creepin' round my back stairs. #
  • 14:31 I *will* finish watching up to episode 75 of Railscasts. #
  • 14:31 *is on episode 58* #
  • 15:29 Alright, that's it, I AM TYING THE CROCHET HOOK TO MYSELF. I have lost it, yet again. #
  • 17:55 Wooo. Episode 62. I may finish this yet. #
  • 18:56 What's this? Me attempting to eat dinner at a normal time? Surely not. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, a palpable sense of tension regarding planes and Ruy, and the vanilla pudding that sucked horribly.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I can't describe how much that is *not* the food court...

Twitterings for September 22, 2008:

  • 00:24 Okay, autumn, I get it. You're here, you brought rain, and you're not going away. #
  • 00:25 I am absolutely *freezing* right now. There are not enough blankets in this apartment. #
  • 00:25 Or warm clothes. #
  • 00:26 Had dinner with the inlaws this evening. First time I've gone over there without Ruy. :P #
  • 00:27 Speaking of which, I can feel all 24 of the hours in the day again, and possibly some spares. I know this means it'll be Wednesday soon. #
  • 00:28 Got lost in Sears today. How can there be no visible entrance to the mall, when I know you can get into Sears FROM the mall? #
  • 00:59 Frakking windy outside. #
  • 13:10 Listening to the lecture from last time for CompViz, before this afternoon's class. I should have done this on the weekend. #
  • 13:10 Also, he totally just used the term *handwave*. #
  • 18:08 Not my brightest moment: I just slept through my CompViz class, which was at 3. #
  • 18:09 I must have dozed off listening to the lecture from last time (around quarter after 1), and just woke up now. #
  • 18:09 Man, I feel like an idiot. #
  • 18:55 I did finish listening to last time's audio, though. #
  • 19:13 Okay, much better now. I've gone over the notes, and he'll probably still be doing the same stuff on Wednesday, and it all makes sense. #
  • 19:13 Okay, more sense. #
  • 19:14 Ruy called me earlier, and was channel-flipping. Came across SG-1 in English with Romanian subtitles. I demanded to know what episode it was #
  • 19:14 He told me one line, and I was able to figure out that it was Zero Hour from Season 8. Yes, I am a geek. #
  • 20:08 And now, it's time to clean a bunny cage. #
  • 21:49 Done and showered. Now, I can relax and watch H & H run around. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, Sears having a lack of doors leading into the mall, and a food court that no longer exists.

Hit it?

Twitterings for September 21, 2008:

  • 00:10 Er, somehow, I managed to not eat dinner until now. At 10 after midnight. #
  • 00:12 I blame Apartment Life hack-finding, as well as Ruy calling at 10 after 10. And possibly shiny elephants. #
  • 00:12 Alright, mostly Apartment Life. #

Sent into the blogosphere by Twitter, a cup of coffee, the Smustle room, and napping bunnies.

What? You mean there's an ENGLISH version of this song?

Twitterings for September 20, 2008:

  • 15:13 Having coffee & discussing life philosophy with my mom. #

Sent into the blogosphere by Twitter, Myrtle Chesterfield, and my inability to listen to Natasha Bedingfield's Pocketful of Sunshine and not hear the Simlish version.

I must mention that my mother is quite wonderful, and that sitting and having coffee while discussing life is a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

This song cannot possibly be about sports...

Twitterings for September 19, 2008:
  • 00:59 ROFL. So, one of the Sims I created for my latest Legacy-founder's potential spouse is Carmen Sandiego. #
  • 00:59 Her Lifetime Want (with no help with me)? Criminal Mastermind. #
  • 01:00 Mwahahahahaaaaa... #
  • 02:07 Well, she didn't end up with the Divine Ms. S. No chemistry. It's okay, I think marriage & kids would tie down the famous criminal. #
  • 02:07 Also? Then you'd know *exactly* where in the world Carmen Sandiego was. #
  • 02:08 We just can't have that. #
  • 02:09 Right, so our hero (Amarantha Thyme) subjected all the contestants (7) to the infamous flirt test. She had chemistry with 2 of them. #
  • 02:09 It was down to Shoe Lightfeather and Aviya Amaryllis. #
  • 02:10 Ama thought Shoe was hot, but her relationship with Avi grew a lot faster. #
  • 02:12 So, Ama and Avi are beginning their adventure together. #
  • 02:12 And they desperately need a couch or chair that is not on the second floor, so they don't walk alllll the way upstairs every time... #
  • 02:12 ...the newspaper arrives. #
  • 02:13 ...and they want to read it. #
  • 02:13 Man, I need to go to sleep. #
  • 13:21 Matlab assignment compiled and ready to be printed & stapled. #
  • 15:11 I'm not sleeping. I'm just thinking with my eyes closed. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, books about grammar, and Dire Straits' Walk of Life

Sundown, you better take care, if I find you've been creepin' round my back stairs...

Twitterings for September 18, 2008:
  • 12:01 Finished catching up on what I missed yesterday. I'm on a roll! #
  • 12:08 Opted out of UBC's med/dental for they year. #
  • 12:08 I think *someone* deserves some coffee! #
  • 12:10 Strange Russians need to stop friending my on LJ. Seriously. #
  • 19:21 *yawn* I'm just exhausted. Oh, but I finally installed the Sims (including Apartment Life) on Ruy's PC. #
  • 19:22 Also, I just stuck a DVD inside a CD drive, and wondered why it wasn't reading it. :P #
  • 20:24 I have to give serious kudos to the Simlogical mortgage shrub for the Sims. IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE, I LOVE IT. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and Gordon Lightfoot creeping around people's back stairs.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stop apparating on top of people...

Twitterings for September 17, 2008:
  • 00:14 My internet died. Just when I thought I thought I was lonely enough. Twittering to no one on Ruy's iPhone. #
  • 00:16 I'd just heard from Ruy too, finally. He's feeling unwell. I can't even Skype with him because of the stupid Internet. #
  • 00:19 Excuse me while I go slightly goofy. #
  • 03:03 Wait, so, Ativan quells the anxiety attack AND fixes the Internet? That's some kind of deal. #
  • 03:12 On a sadder note, it's 3am, every sensible person on this continent is asleep, and I'm so lonely it hurts. #
  • 12:10 I feel much better this morning. Perhaps the sunlight helps. And I'm no sparkly vampire, so... #
  • 13:04 Having dinner with the siblings tonight. Should be fun. Nice to talk to someone other than myself... #
  • 16:26 You know when You're going slightly nutty when... #
  • 16:27 *look forward* to working on a Matlab assignment. "Ah, sweet, MATLAB!" #
  • 16:28 get a caramel frappuccino at 3 in the afternoon, knowing the caffeinie will keep you up past midnight. #
  • 16:28 ...but you do it anyway, because THINK OF ALL THE TIME YOU COULD BE SPENDING WITH MATLAB. #
  • 16:32 (Man, sorry for the degradation of my spelling in Twitter. I blame the fact that I type fast and press enter without thinking.) #
  • 16:35 ...the thought of giving the apartment a good clean is making you gleeful. #
  • 16:38 ...fresh carrot greens for everyone! #
  • 16:47 Subject-verb agreement, it is your buddy. #
  • 19:20 *rubs tummy* It is entirely possible that I just ate a landmine. #
  • 23:30 know that Matlab assignment I had that was due two weeks from now? That we didn't need to start quite yet? #
  • 23:31 I, um, just finished it. #
  • 23:31 I mean, I have to copy it all into a Google Doc, PDF it, and print it, but... #
  • 23:31 The hard part is done! #
  • 23:31 Oh, Matlab, you and me, baby... #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and Highlighter Glitterbox.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I don't want to make you sway...

Twitterings for September 16, 2008:
  • 12:59 Caramel frap = delicious + poisonlactose = dying of delicious. #
  • 13:03 Oh, plus the coffee that will give me horrible acid reflux = really quite worth it. #
  • 13:03 I can't help it, it's so, so tasty! #
  • 14:31 Excuse me, I have to go and have words that don't exist in my head for awhile, like "kleptography." #
  • 14:31 It just rollllls off the tongue. #
  • 16:05 *melts* #
  • 16:05 Yay, finished audio and visual review of the last couple of CompViz lectures. *accomplished* #
  • 16:06 Next, I catch up on Railscasts, and install WinXP32 on GLaDOS. She's way too smart for her own good right now, and won't run the Sims. #
  • 16:07 And by smart, I mean she's running 64-bit Windows XP. #
  • 17:20 But also, installing Windows. #
  • 17:20 My phone is not a mouse. #
  • 17:24 You have disturbed my composure. Away with ye. #
  • 19:05 Everyone on PotterFicWeekly, and I have NO CLUE why. #
  • 21:59 Okay, wow, I just reread that and it makes no sense. #
  • 22:00 What I meant was that everyone on PotterFicWeekly were laughing hysterically at something, and I had no idea why. #
  • 22:00 AND I STILL DON'T. #
  • 22:31 I have been strangely productive today. I'm so proud! #
  • 22:32 Neurotic, but productive. #
  • 22:39 Oh man, am I starved for company right now. #
  • 22:41 When you start resorting to reading about OTHER PEOPLE'S Sims, to feel a little less lonely (not even playing my own, geez)... #
  • 22:42 As long as I don't start talking to them, I think we're okay. I cannot promise the same with my own Sims. #
  • 22:42 Breaking the fourth wall is me. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and a smattering of Matlab.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Leftology, the study of lefts...

Twitterings for September 15, 2008:
  • 14:43 These pants, they are too loose. #
  • 14:45 And I, I took the road less travelled by, and that has made all the difference. #
  • 14:46 Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to decieve... #
  • 14:46 Oh captain, my captain.. #
  • 14:47 The heat has addled my brain, just a little. #
  • 14:50 I just realized that I can't type on the iPhone with 2 hands, even though I think that's how it's supposed to be used. Heh. #
  • 14:55 Also. I bought pants that button up on the wrong side. #
  • 17:40 WTF, there's no NDP candidate for my riding for October's federal election. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, letter-carriers everywhere, and Blooper's under-the-couch hideout.

Jacker does not equal jacket, no matter how zippy...

Twitterings for September 14, 2008:
  • 00:37 I have now finished the MATLAB tutorial of 4 days, 3 nights, and an hour. Frakking long assignment. #
  • 00:38 But at least I have tomorrow to rest. Rest and clean a bunny cage. If I do it in the morning, H & H can run about all day... #
  • 00:39 ...which should thrill them, as they haven't been out in a bit. Blooper & Goomba's cage can wait until Monday. #
  • 00:39 Then they'll get *their* chance to run around. Which neither of them will take until I start to close up the cage again & Blooper... #
  • 00:40 ...goes zooming under the couch, possibly never to be heard from again. #
  • 12:05 Oh, snap. #
  • 12:05 I have no energy. None. WTF, even, considering I just woke up from 8+ hours of sleep. The bunnies are going to have to wait. #
  • 12:06 Ruy called this morning, thankfully waking me up from a ridiculously complicated dream in which I was getting married. #
  • 12:07 My hero. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, a mermaid's tail, Twitter, and a box of ghosts.

Um, television radio glass of water Monopoly box...

Twitterings for September 13, 2008:
  • 21:30 And...I lost my crochet hook again. I swear, I *just* had it. #
  • 21:31 Ruy called this afternoon. Yay! We talked for an hour. I miss him, but it was really nice to be able to communicate with him. #
  • 21:32 Got my hair cut this morning, then went shopping with my Mom. Jeans, scrub pants, zippy jacker and shoooooes. #
  • 21:33 I also had a really random nap at around 4ish, when my mom went to pick up my dad from work and my sister went to the dentist. #
  • 21:34 Then woke up and evvvvvveryone was home. It was weird. #
  • 21:40 Found the crochet hook! It was...quite literally sitting on my chest. *sigh* #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and the word "kleptography," if it existed, which it does not.

Are you, or are you not, a member of the Pancake Party?

Twitterings for September 12, 2008:
  • 14:37 *falls over* So damn hot. Hurry up & get here, autumn. #
  • 14:43 Feels like I've been run over by a truck. But hey, I made it to class! #
  • 15:02 I love a prof that can slip the phrase "preaching to the choir" inot a lecture. #
  • 15:03 I mean, it might be because I've had so many profs whose first language is not English, so they don't get all the idioms right away... #
  • 15:03 Right, assignment 1, well on its way to being completed. Hahaha... #
  • 15:04 Hee, our building has an X-Wing. #
  • 15:04 Assignment 1, which is supposed to take several hours to complete. I'm on it, really. Especially with assignment 2 being posted this Monday #
  • 15:05 *hides* I'm not ready for an actual assignment! #
  • 15:09 Mmm, Snell's Law... #
  • 15:10 I should know 5 equations - I know 5 equations! #
  • 15:11 *wins* #
  • 15:31 Holography -> complex spatial variables. #
  • 15:33 Engineers refer to complex numbers as j, and not i? WTF, engineers. #
  • 20:17 Cleaned hamster cage when I got home from school. When I tried to move them, Samus sunk her teeth into my palm and wouldn't let go. #
  • 20:17 I mean, she eventually did, then promptly went into the bucket to fight with Ripley. #
  • 20:18 *sigh* Homicidal hamsters... #
  • 20:18 I *finally* finished organizing my Sims downloads. I can play again! #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, the homeless mailbox, and viewers like you.

Quit playing games with my sandwich...

Twitterings for September 11, 2008:
  • 10:46 Damn. Managed to get up & to school on time, but now I'm about to fall asleep. 5 min before class starts. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, the number 9, and exhaustion.

Key Lime Pie...

Twitterings for September 10, 2008:
  • 13:43 Ruy has flown the coop. #
  • 13:43 By which I mean he left for Romania. Although, technically, he's going to be stopping in Dusseldorf for the better part of a day. #
  • 15:52 Actually, his flight only technically left just this minute. #
  • 18:25 Ate dinner with the sibs. I still don't feel very good, and I'm lonely, but at least I had that hour of company! #
  • 18:26 I really want to lie down, to quell the nausea, but can't, because otherwise I'll get acid reflux. Glaaaaaah. #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and the number fex. I mean, six.

Colonel Mustard, in the kitchen, with the lead pipe...

Twitterings for September 9, 2008:
  • 00:39 I just rewatched the first House episode I ever saw. ZOMG, no wonder I fell in love with this show. #
  • 01:35 And that's why I don't take elevators. #
  • 01:35 Heeeey, is that a motorboat? #
  • 03:54 The coughing is just getting irritating. Why am I coughing you ask? #
  • 03:55 Does anyone know whether stomach acid can reflux so far up the esophagus that it gets into your throat and makes you cough? #
  • 03:56 Because this is damn unpleasant. #
  • 13:45 Is it mildly ridiculous to add the item "add items to to-do list" to my to-do list? I mean, it *is* something I need to do... #
  • 19:06 Gleh. I feel nauseated and faint. And dehydrated. #
  • 19:06 It came on suddenly, too. Also, I'd really like to rip my tongue out as it is itchy. #
  • 22:12 *forces Ruy to listen to Mrs. Robinson* There, now you don't even need to watch The Graduate! #

Sent into the blogosphere by me, Twitter, and the letter π.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We're about to drop an elevator; I'm beside myself...

Ruy, the closing tag is not the problem. The lack of cake, however, is.

  • 15:05 Influences on visual perception: CSIFCE. #
  • 15:05 Composition, shape, illumination, familiarity, context, expectation. #
  • 15:08 I will determine what I'm supposed to be learning by watching these hockey clips. The answer is not hockey. #
  • 15:09 It might be that Canada pwned the USSR at hockey once. You know, back when said USSR existed... #
  • 20:44 Goodie! I have obtained my textbook for Computer Vision. Now, if only I could connect to the ugrad Matlab from here. #
  • 20:45 Heh. So, it turns out that being defriended yet again, has begun to hurt less. Not *not* painful, but it certainly has dulled. #
  • 22:18 This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. #
  • 22:18 Mmm, Romanian yelling. Just what I like to here at 22:00. #
  • 22:18 In truth, I like DINNER better. #
  • 22:19 *sigh* The perks of living with Ruy. #
  • 22:44 "Alright, I'm going to write on the whiteboard what I need to do tomorrow." - Ruy #
  • 22:44 "Okay, I'm going to Twitter you doing so." - Me #
  • 22:44 Work, bunnies, pack, internet, clean, file, email the friends. #
  • 22:45 And so I did. And it was good. #
  • 23:22 We're just now getting around to cooking dinner. See, this? This is what I have to put up with. #
  • 23:22 However, I just bought a new flavour of Febreze Noticeables, and it smells like laundry, which is my FAVOURITE SCENT EVER. #
  • 23:23 I should specify: CLEAN laundry. Fresh out of the dryer. #
  • 23:24 There is a chair in our kitchen (which is very small, and has no room for anything but appliances and counterspace and us and such). #
  • 23:25 Not sure how it got there, but it is reminiscent of that time we found a salt shaker in our bathroom. No one knew how that got there either. #
  • 23:45 It's just been revoked! #
  • 23:47 ...sorry, watching Family Guy. #

Monday, September 8, 2008

Won't you take me to Funkytown?

Twitterings for September 7th:
  • 21:19 Don't drop the blueberry juice, don't drop the blueberry juice. #
  • 21:20 *drops the blueberry juice* Damn it! #
  • 21:20 Today does not feel like Sunday. At all. In fact, I'm very much surprised that I have to get up and go to school tomorrow. #
  • 21:20 At 15:00. #
  • 21:21 Ruy went to his parents' for the day to do laundry and have pre-Romania discussions. #
  • 21:21 I'm sure they all yelled at least once, so it's probably a good thing that I didn't go. #
  • 21:22 Instead, I had the world's best dinner. #
  • 21:22 You can add good soup to anything and make BETTER SOUP. #
  • 21:23 Or rather, you can take something already delicious, add good soup to it, and have an AWESOME MEAL. #
  • 21:24 I'm really building it up here - all I had was potato leek soup (storebought), with (brown rice) macaroni in it. #
  • 21:25 But I boiled the pasta in the soup, so it was even better. I really can't describe it. #
  • 21:25 Like macaroni and cheese, but without all the lactose. And...the cheese... #
  • 21:26 I was productive today, too. Did review of last week's stuff for school. Watched more Railscasts. Sorted more Sim clothing. #
  • 21:27 Slowly catching up on my friends' list, as well. And GReader. #
  • 21:27 And I crocheted! Maybe things will be done in time for Christmas this year. Or *GASP* early?! #
  • 21:41 Won't you take me to Funkytown? #
  • 21:42 I need to find a juice that does not have apple juice as an ingredient. I thought I was safe with the blueberry juice, but alas, apples. #
  • 21:42 The roof of my mouth is all cut up. Owwww.... #
  • 21:43 On an unrelated note, I have a weakness for cellos. #
Contributed to the twitter-pollution by LoudTwitter

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Then, we tried to prove Pythagoras' Theorem...

Twitterings for September 4th, 2008, that I forgot to post.

  • 10:46 Must be the season of the witch. #
  • 10:46 But also, forestry class. I see a fern, a giant pinecone, apple? So, what *are* we learning today? #
  • 10:47 Maybe he's just hungry? #
  • 10:51 I know I eat giant pinecones for breakfast. #
  • 19:08 *flails* #
  • 19:09 Sometimes, Ruy chooses really bad times to bring up subjects. #
  • 19:09 So, yes, I'm already tense about school, and this being my last semester and all. #
  • 19:10 Like I want to think about what I'm going to do for extended health coverage when I'm no longer covered under my parents'. #
  • 19:10 Especially given my 300 or so pre-existing medical conditions. #
  • 19:14 So, they won't cover anything to do with my depression, anxiety, glaucoma, osteochondritis dessicans in my knee, osteonecrosis in my foot... #
  • 19:14 Dear god, I should probably not actually develop Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease between now and next year, or I'll be paying for that too. #
  • 19:14 These drugs ain't cheap. #
  • 19:15 *flails* #
  • 20:59 Allison Cameron for the win. *nod* #
  • 23:14 Yes, Ruy, House moved because of alien intervention. #

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ebullient sparklepire.

A collection of Twitterings (Twitter is a microblogging service - I periodically post messages there throughout the day, and they're collected at the end of the day and (theoretically) posted here. Except, I can't get them to autopost, so I just copied from my other blog (which none of you, except Lisa (that I know of), read). Long story short, you'll get a set of these at least once every few days. Piece them together, and you may find that I'm either quite crazy, or quite clever.

  • 11:36 Teardrop on the fire... #
  • 13:03 Yes, I'm glad it's 84 degrees and brightly sunny in Cupertino. This does not apply while I'm in Vancouver. #
  • 13:04's 61 degrees here. Well, geez, I know I said I was too hot... *changes to Celsius* #
  • 13:06 First day of school yesterday. One class, 5 minutes long, quite literally. Prof is freakin' ancient. #
  • 13:07 The funny part of all this being, of course, that he recognized my last name. #
  • 13:07 Because of my dad. #
  • 13:07 Did I mention it was a Forestry class and this guy was ancient? #
  • 13:08 How do you still recognize a last name 40 years later? #
  • 13:08 The best part of this, being, I will get called on a lot, since I'm one of the 2 in the class whose name he already knows. #
  • 13:08 Damn it, there goes my anonymity. #
  • 13:09 Computer Vision this afternoon. I'm fairly certain I'll just blend right into that class. #
  • 13:10 Or put my head through the wall due to the calculus. #
  • 13:31 Eh, I guess we'll see. #
  • 13:32 2 hour Bones premiere tonight. Nobody call between the hours of 19:45 and 22:15. I need the 15 minute buffer zone on either side. #
  • 13:32 For hyperventilating. #
  • 13:45 How did I end up in debug mode for Seeqpod? #
  • 13:45 Hava nagila! #
  • 16:38 The date today is not the 9th, nor is it the 5th. least I go the year right. #
  • 16:38 Undergraduate information sheep. #
  • 16:38 Hi, Bob! #
  • 16:39 I, [subject name here], hereby promise not to fall asleep in this class. Much. #
  • 16:39 ...if he makes me swivel to the left once more, I'm flinging my pen at him. #
  • 16:40 [So, of course, he spent the entire class on the left side of the classroom.] #
  • 16:40 "I like to tell stories" does not read "I like tall shoes." #
  • 16:40 ...I wonder if he'll tell stories about tall shoes. #
  • 16:41 Didn't bring laptop to class. So, yes, I manual-Twittered while I sat there. Pathetic, no? #
  • 16:41 So, this *gets distracted*... #
  • 16:42 Right, so this is apparently going to be the class that BLOWS MY MIND, OMG. #
  • 16:42 I shit you not. #
  • 16:54 Wikipedia is not a verb. #
  • 16:55 Do you say you're going to go an "encyclopedia" something? #
  • 16:55 ...okay, *normal* people, do you say you're going to go and encyclopedia something? #
  • 17:08 Where the hell is a good dictionary when you want to sit down and read one? #
  • 23:57 You do *not* want to know what we just found in our cupboard. #
  • 23:57 All I can say is...*shudder*. #
  • 00:06 And Ruy's just making terrible puns. #