Monday, May 5, 2008

Mmm, bathtub moonshine...

Instead of doing something useful, like cleaning out and recycling my email right now, while I wait for Ruby to update (for the untechnical-minded of you who just stared at that Wikipedia page and fainted in despair, all you really need to know is that it's a programming language, and new versions come out every so often, thus the update), I'm just going to type another entry. Where I will muse loudly and opinionatedly about whatever comes to mind.

Is it time to elect a new Prime Minister yet? Has Harper alienated another portion of the population I need to know about?

Sorry, all of you Canadian darlings who thought I might be a staunch Conservative, or a kite-flying Liberal (sorry, it was the only adjective I could think of), I'm sorry to break your hearts. Stephen Harper is a smarmy bastard, even if the Canadian electorate, especially the West, seems to have the long-term memory of an amnestic gerbil, and will have forgotten come election time.

I like unions. I like gay people. I support gay MARRIAGE. That's right, kids. People of all creed, colour, nationality, and sexual orientation, should be allowed to get MARRIED. They should be given the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts, as they certainly don't qualify as lesser people just because they like something a bit different.

It doesn't matter if you can't understand it, or don't like to engage in the activities yourself; I don't understand theoretical astrophysics or particularly enjoy the equations, but I staunchly support those who practice it. Unnatural as their "Schroedinger's Cats" and "Wormhole Theory" might be. *attempts to wring out the sarcasm from that statement, but fails - it's just too saturated*

Because, I'm sorry, but the word "marriage" has not one, but TWO meanings. The first is the one the oh-dear-don't-let-the-gays-get-married hide behind. Ye olde formal union between man and woman. The second, according to the OED, is "a combination of two or more elements." Oh yeah, that's right. Be they man, woman, neither, or both. Actually, I believe that would even allow for polygamy. ...oh, THAT must be what they get all up in arms about. First, you let gays get married, then you allow polygamy, and for some strange reason, animal husbandry. Yes. Take your giant leaps. Whatever, I'm sticking with the OED. And if there's really a few polygamists out there that feel the need to leap under this category of marriage, then what's so horrid about that? It's really not like there's GIANT SWATHS of people who are eagerly awaiting the definition-changing of the word "marriage" so they can run right out and start marrying multiple people. And animals. Even if there were, geez, it's not like it affects you personally (unless of course, you're in a polygamous union, which, if you happened to be, why would you be complaining in the first place?). Just like you're not going to stem a worldwide drug problem by bringing back Prohibition. People are going to make bathtub moonshine whether you allow them to or not.

Just like I may have a few problems with certain hypocritical uber-religions *coughcatholicisimcough*, I support the idea of freely practicing a religion, even if I can't get behind the religion itself. Especially a holy-rolling, I-be-mightier-than-thou, pedestal-sitting-on one, totally not mentioned above. There are many paths to the Infinite, or God, or Gaia, or Allah, or The Great Modem In The Sky, or whatever you're currently calling he/she/it/them. No religion can be mightier than any other. Sorry, kids, you'll just have to play in the same playground as everybody else. Yes, even the scaaaaary Wiccans. ;)

I am utterly disgusted at the state of the world today, and especially at the state of people's minds. I wish everyone could just extend a little more understanding to those who are different from them. Supporting gay marriage, talking to gay people, wearing fancy hats, are NOT going to make you gay. Open-minded, perhaps, but not gay. Supporting none of these things makes you something of a closed-minded bigot. Just saying.

So, how many readers have I got left now? 3? I know there are some of you out there that are going to read this and immediately disknow me. This is me. I have opinions, I express them. Always and forever.

And to Old Slicer Wit, who just recently got to know me, despite knowing OF me for 23 years, this is who your niece is. Loud, and full of opinions. Um, a lot like her mother, actually. But, you should probably know, if this changes your opinion of me, we probably should part ways before having a large falling out about it. I'd hate for it to come to fisticuffs at dawn, or pistols at sundown, or however people are dueling these days.

Ohhhh, now I have to get back to worrrrk. Peace out, y'all.

1 comment:

Niles the Camel said...

I thought it was fisticuffs in the hallway???